whitney Stream
social media creator
Virtual assistant
Helping you create organic, valuable content for your brand
trusted by clients
for 10 years
in nine months with social media alone.
I grew my six figure
hair business
HELLo! My name is Whitney and I am a content loving, passionate millennial looking to help business owners achieve substantial growth and success through social media
Why You Need Me
I use my passion and creative ability to create unique content that stands out and promotes organic growth
✨ Deep Understanding of Trends
✨ strong Editing and Proofreading
✨ Creative mindset
✨ Task Oriented
✨ Flexible and Fast
✨ Highly Skilled Writer
✨ Warm Communication Skills
Ready to level
up your brand?
Package Pricing Starting as low as $100/month!
Let's discuss options for what works best for You and go from there!